Sunday, August 29, 2010

All About the Pretty

As anyone can see, my blog has had a face lift. I used to think such pretty blog scenes were masterfully created by super talented computer wizards or hired services. Luckily I have found that there are in-between options. Super talented wizards who provide templates to incompetent HTML wizard want-to-bees like me...and they are FREE!!!! I am thrilled to show the results of their talents on my blog. I'm sure there are several options out there, but I'm going to list the ones that I found to have the best selections and helpful advice.

The Background Fairy

Shabby Blogs

The Cutest Blog on the Block

For those wanting to make an upgrade, or just want to change their blogs with the seasons, check them out. And if you know of any other sources, by all means, mention them in a comment.

Is it bad that I keep going back to my blog just to look at it?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

When In Doubt....Do Laundry

Yes, I've been woefully neglectful of this blog. Life got in the way of my blogging and personal goals. In fact I lost sight of having any personal goals whatsoever. Now I'm in a more reasonable place and have been anxious to return to both a personal life and this blog. So, let's get on, shall we.

Over the past several months I've had several competing priorities which culminated in total very little progress in anything. This morning I was thinking how when our lives are feeling out of control, our basic routines and chores can be quite grounding, bringing us back to basics and often having a calming effect if we let them. Although most of us regard laundry as a necessary evil of life, and I admit to experiencing this perspective, it can be an act of meditation, even a commune with nature.

A couple years ago I installed a retractable clothesline on the back of my house. I bought the clothesline at a garage sale for $5 (I had priced them much higher for a new one). My neighbors seemed intrigued by such a device and at a loss as to why I would choose to dry clothes on the line. They concluded that I was going "Green". Truth be told, this is how I grew up. Drying clothes on the line is how we lived, at least during the warmer months. Not only is it efficient and energy saving, but your clothes and linens smell outdoor fresh. Admittedly, I line dry several items in the house, certain delicates that I don't wish to share with my neighbor, or just in general during the colder months.

Doing laundry is a lot like breathing. It is a basic necessity and can serve as an act of grounding meditation. Not to mention it can get you outdoors if you use a clothesline. Next time you do the laundry try thinking of it as a gift you give to yourself and your family, the gift of clean clothes. No matter how crazy life gets, laundry is always there waiting for you.